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Well hello and welcome to my blog! Please allow me to introduce myself. I was born in the midst of the baby boom (thankfully, just after electricity and indoor plumbing became available in our area), a time when life was simple and revolved around community and family. Where I grew up, we knew all of our neighbors and didn't need to lock our doors. Shucks, folk would just show up to visit without warning and there was always enough supper to share.
      I'm not sure what happened, but I suspect somebody put the calendar on fast forward cause suddenly I have grandchildren. They try to keep me current with what's happening in today's fast-paced world. I enjoy reading and writing, though I read very little fiction. Real life is truly fascinating enough for me. As a lifetime resident of the deep South, my writings have a decidedly rural flavor.  My faith is a natural part of who I am; it comes out in my thoughts whether I'm awake or sleeping, and just flows naturally from my keyboard. Influenced by Erma Bombeck and a large family of practical jokers, humor surfaces here and there. My first book about some of the fantastic, unforgettable people I have encountered, is entitled Grace at the Finish Line.
    I'm glad you stopped by. There's always room for another chair at the table so come on in.