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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Ladies and Gentlemen, May I Present...

Listening to my audio devotion today, I was struck by the pronunciation of one particular word. Now I have read this scripture numerous times but never thought of it in this manner. In Hebrews 1:3, we are told that Christ is the exact representation of the Father. When the disciples asked if Jesus would show them the Father, He replied that you have already seen the Father because you have seen Me. In essence, Christ came to present the Father to the world. Then He commissioned us in John 20:21 to do the very same thing the Father sent Him to do, re-present God.

I love that thought. When I am speaking to someone who is struggling with sickness, the loss of a loved one, or any painful situation, I often feel I have nothing to offer in myself. But how wonderful it is to be able to say, "May I present to you the Son of God who came with healing in His wings. I cannot provide comfort but He is the Comforter. When all your friends leave, He is the friend that will stick closer than a brother. He is the one answer that fits every situation. Please allow me to present to you the God who is more than enough."

What an honor to be co-laborers with Jesus, allowed to re-present our Father to those around us.

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